Friday, April 07, 2006

Ain't I a woman?

Well, I could have asked it any number of ways. I could have given it over to Sojourner, but, well, that's not who *I* am, that's who she was. I can say "Am I not a woman". Her life made that possible. Some get it, some don't. I don't have the patience to explain today.

I'm in full on writing mode. A little of this, a little of that and a whole lotta something. I'm flying on the cusp of the break out and just dotting those I's and crossing some T's.

I'm reading a few books this week. Groove by Bernice McFadden under the nic Geneva Holliday and If you come softly by Jacqueline Woodson. The latter is a book club selection that was chosen out of a debate about whether or not minorities can be racists from a message board I belong to. My opinion is simply no, they cannot, but that's another day. They can be ignorant, prejudiced and on a much smaller scale can even play a role IN racism, but they cannot be racists. Again, that's another post to explain and I'm just not in the mood to get into it. It's definitely not a topic that will get me into Real Simple, but you never know. That magazine doesn't really have Black women as a demographic and even with the small nods to diversity they use in articles about hair cuts and best friends, I just don't see their audience as having the stomach for the convo. I might be underestimating them, but I think the message boards are a microcausim of our society. A tiny little cross section of America. They weren't ready for it either. LOL!

So the books...I am having a hard time figuring out which one to concentrate on so I'm reading both at the same time."Softly" is a young reader book but it deals with Interracial love, young love rather and the many complex issues that accompany it. It was a light read to give some of the members of the board a glimpse into that reality. It wasn't my suggestion, nor my first choice, but it will definitely do. Within the first few pages, I'm already taken with the story. I will probably complete it tomorrow and then I will post more about it and Groove. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

A Girl Again said...

"Lucy" by Jamaica Kincaid is a great one. Good luck.