Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm saving this for a DEEP blog entry

I need to simmer for a bit.

Yes...this blog is all about my reactions to message boards. It seems no matter where I go, a battle ensues. This would not surprise my father, the master baiter, I mean Debater. He raised me to keep that 3 year old nagging "Yes, but why" in the back of my head and my mother's assertiveness pushed me forward to verbalize it.

Tonight, I watched a woman fight off attackers as she defended her right to be child free. She has a link in her signature to her blog and it contains detailed and truth be told, quite exciting and enticing tales of her sexual conquests. Hell, I wanted to know more. I'm no hater. Giggles.

Well, her sexual nature was used against her and turned the argument on it's head. It became a bash of "No, you shouldn't have kids because all you want is good sex". Wow, now good sex is a crime. So this means...what...they defend bad sex? HELLO? What's the point? If you're going to shave your legs, make it worth it.

I actually bought a book this week from Amazon called 5 minutes to O. I have many reasons for buying it but mostly because I always want to know if I'm missing something. I know how to get there in 45 seconds with a set of AA batteries but it gets complicated with dishes to do, work demands, fussing with your spouse, reading bedtime stories and by then, you're just ready to 5 minutes sounded right up my alley time wise.

I read 65 pages in about 30 minutes. Could have had 6 orgasms instead I guess, but hey, I took one for the team, figuring I would spread the good word later. So, after coming back to the board war, I asked a simple question..."Is sex meant solely for procreation? If so, WTF is the clitoris for?" I can't wait to hear the bash on me for the gall to ask such a thing. I mean...a woman actually being assertive about her body parts...crazy isn't it? CLaiming them? Making them work? Not only that but not holding a man responsible for something in her control....yep, bound to be convo.

Just for chuckles, I mentioned Constantine and all the other Guys that played a role in the Bible and how they had so much to gain by keeping a woman's sexuality as a possession and making it so "dirty" that even she wouldn't want to go near it. I challenged them. Dig deep fellas. The clitoris has ONE purpose. ONE. The Bible skipped it. The Fem. mystique grazed it. Many a hand has discovered it. Women WILL figure it out some day. It's OURS damnit. But anyway...I'm going to add this to the blog entries I will come back for. I'm too tired to delve into this and make any sense tonight. MEds, gotta love them.

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