Thursday, August 24, 2006

And then, there was harmony

And on days when there is true harmony, the writing goes to the book(s). Blogs must wait until another day.

Did I mention I was banned from the site with my "pals" that argue back and forth? Bitties! I could call them worse, but in the end, we're still on 2 or 3 other boards together and well, it's beneath me to get sooo nasty without being sanctimonious. I'm still focused on the other boards, the political ones and the African American board. I say that because they have actually had a topic about whether or not White people should be excluded from the site. Enter my sensibilities--wouldn't that mean that in some cases, one half or 1/4 or 1/8 of their own persons could not post? Yes, an affirmative. I just like the idea of countering prejudice with sense. Until it's gone, I'll continue just the way I have been. It's meaty and it loosens up my hands for the day, crippled and wilted from that damn disease. And I actually have to make a living with these things...unreal. Some day I'll ensure them for $500,000. Not a million because that's already overkill and passe for the Hollywonders that do that for their legs and other body parts. I'll just do it to do it...besides is it even possible that another part can break on these bones? I think I've covered all the bases as is.

That board is something else. I just stopped back there and yet again, another dagger comes out for the old girl. I just can't stand those convos that deviate from the topic and call me an Oppressor Lover. I mean, sure, I could be called worse, but by my own team? Hardly sounds fair though it is amusing. One the one hand, I'm the Angry Black Woman on White Message boards...they just can't handle the truth, I guess...but there is very little anger. It's mostly projection that they are misunderstanding. On the Black board, I'm the lover of the Oppressors, so Eurocentric I can't see straight. That's the belief. Never should have told them about that they can't forget it. Maybe I like walking that fence. Who knows? Maybe I'm amused that I confuse people that much. But maybe, just maybe I play the Devil's Advocate because I know it forces people to think on their feet and challenge their current belief system. They don't have to believe mine...not under any circumstance...but they can't very well stay stuck on stupid either. Not in my presence. It's holier than thou, sure...but hey, I wear it well.

At any rate, I'm getting tired of it all. These days I actually play a lot more than debate. I find time for debate sure, but I limit it considerably. It really isn't good for my health. So this week, I've stuck to simple issues and simple topics like the war in Iraq and this whacko trying to save his butt by lying and claiming he killed Jonbenet.

Ok..wasn't going to blog this, but what a sick bastard! He plays the pedophile role well, but when it comes to frying his ass in Asia, he opts for claiming he murdered and sexually assaulted a child that he did a term paper on to get into US prisons because what, they are a cake walk for sick puppies like him? I rad his resume the other day and HELLO red flag city on the pedo tip. I mean, this monster should have been in some prison a long time ago. His first wife was 13! That went out with Jerry Lee Lewis. And now, Nancy Grace has an entire week dedicated to him. Confessions of a killer with a damn question mark. When Nancy Grace isn't even calling him out, that's a sure sign there is a weak case somewhere. I'm as liberal as the day is long but pedophiles have no place in our society. I strongly advocate imprisoning them for the duration of their natural lives...and then 50 more years for their unnatural lives. Killing them? No...who's pain does that end?

I just think it's interesting...these pedos and serial killers. One group leaks them out the most. People think of the word pedophile and they see a 45 year old White man, don't they? They think serial killer and the same person comes to mind. When are people going to get that there is something seriously wrong with that picture? These scum are being bred by a nation that supports them. A nation that is fathering them and nurturing them. Yet...who are the ones that are villified? The Brown ones. Hardly seems right.

In TV land, I caught Spike Lee's Requiem on Katrina. It was done in 4 parts and I HATE that my Tivo didn't record the first 2. Apparently I had it set up to record anything he was noted as directing. I did this a month ago because the listing wasn't showing yet and I knew I would forget about it--lovely meds--and the purpose was to avoid all this and damnit if I didn't do it anyway.

I saw part 3 and spent the greater part of that hour in tears. I can't take sorrow in Louisiana. It's my birthplace and that's the blood running through these veins. I just couldn't take it...watching all those people, my fellow citizens, my sistas and brothers wading through water, criminalized and called refugees in their OWN HOMES and left to die. I never use the word hate in terms of people. It's far too simplistic and it's overused and doesn't convey the right emotion...but I can think of no other way to describe a President that would leave all those people to die.As we approach the one year mark--with very little having been accomplished in the Gulf, I know that I will never get the sound out of my head of a woman mourning the death of her 5 year old daughter who was washed away in the waters and not found for 6 months. I have a 5 year old. Washed away? A baby? And not found for 6 months. It was a scream and wail that came from her womb and made its way to the surface. It's one that every mother will hear and fall to her knees to pray to God she never ever feels what that woman is feeling. Ever. And a government that would allow it...allow those levees to be left as they were and left those people as they were BEFORE the damn hurricane...may God have mercy on their souls, because I sure as hell cannot.

So much for not blogging. I think I need to talk about Katrina more. I left Louisiana on a Sunday after burying my grandmother. Katrina came the next day. They say most everyone has PTSD from the hurricane. I had it before then, but after 9/11 and after Katrina, we are a nation of Post Traumatic Stress in varying forms of disorder. That's blogging tomorrow. Maybe I should stop over at my happy blog tonight and flip this up a bit. Must have the balance. Think I will.

Remember Katrina people. Remember that people aren't home yet. New Orleans cannot ever be the same without it's heart in place. It's heart is spread out across the US now. It must be repaired. It just must be.

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